Military Facilities
Military bases and facilities in the UAE demand excellent hygiene standards given the high levels of activity, close proximity training, military operations and surface contact. Poor air quality can also be caused by ventilation systems that often transmit germs from one person to another. Disinfection programmes are therefore essential to protect military personnel from harmful microorganisms that cause infection, spread disease and contribute to absenteeism. Life threatening conditions remain a constant possibility especially when the armed forces are required to visit countries suffering with viral pandemics such as the Ebola virus. Bacoban’s nanotech formulations lead the way in intelligent, long term antipathogen protection to fight against a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
(See full table)
Bacoban Offers
- High Quality surface disinfection with long-term effect, which lasts for up to 10 days.
- CE certified, class 2A medical device.
- Tested in accordance with VAH Guidelines (German medical listing)
- Reduces the cleaning time of the protected surfaces by 50%.
- Biocompatible (tested under GLP conditions according to DIN EN ISO 10993-1.
- Manufactured under the European Directive 93/42/EC and DIN 13485-2003 MPG.
- Ready to use, water based.
- Does not contain Aldehyde or Phenol.
Bacoban Effectiveness
- 5 minutes after application
- DIN EN 1040, 1275, 1276, 1650 & 13697.
- Aviation standards
- Dubai municipality – AMS 1451B & 1452B, Boeing D6-7127 Rev, Boeing D6-17487 Rev T for use in aircraft.
- Bacoban is effective for disinfecting:
- Ebola virus, MRSA, E. coli, Noroviruses and C. diff. (Tests and Documentation)
- Mold spores and eliminating foul odours at the source.
for critical and sensitive areas on military bases:
- Medial facilities.
- Sanitation facilities.
- Kitchens.
- Restaurants.
- Emergency transport vehicles.
- Gyms and training facilities.
- Inside military vehicles and tanks.
- Military equipment.
- Non corrosive and non-toxic. Bacoban will not degrade material, equipment or machinery.
- Biocompatible to provide safe cleaning and disinfection for close quarter surroundings.
- Bacoban’s product range includes the Bacoban Nebuliser which provides fast coverage disinfection to completely treat complex shapes and penetrate into cracks and corners. Dry moisture disinfection means that sensitive objects do not have to be moved out of the way.